Application submitted for redevelopment of brownfield site
An outline planning application has been submitted to South Gloucestershire Council for the redevelopment of the former Kleeneze site in Bristol.
NEW masterplanning led the preparation of a site masterplan for the application following our appointment by Homes England as part of a multi-disciplinary team in September 2020.
The site at Anstey’s Road in Hanham is a previously developed site close to Hanham High Street. The application proposals seek to deliver:
- Up to 200 homes, reflecting local need
- flexible floorspace for community/employment
- a central public open space
- connecting routes with Hanham High Street
- design character reflective of the area’s industrial heritage
NEW coordinated the preparation of the parameter plans and design and access statement which form the basis of the outline application, and prepared illustrative masterplan layouts to demonstrate approaches for how the site could be taken forward. The proposals were prepared through engagement with the local community, potential development partners, and were subject to an independent design review process.
10 December 2021 by Lora white