Blandford Urban Extension

New masterplanning was appointed by Wyatt Homes to prepare a masterplan for a sustainable urban extension on land north east of Blandford Forum. The proposed development will support the aims of the draft Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan, including the provision for a much-needed new primary school for north Blandford as well as community facilities, homes, job opportunities and open space for the town.
The plans propose a balanced mix of homes to meet local needs, with sizes ranging from 1 to 5 bed, including retirement age homes. 600 homes are proposed over the application site, of which 180 will be affordable. The application will seek outline planning permission for the whole site, alongside detailed planning permission for the first phase of 167 homes, parkland and access from the A354.
A centrally located local centre will make provision for a local shop, cafe and community health and well-being centre to meet the day to day needs of existing and new residents with strong links to support existing facilities including Blandford town centre.
The development incorporates a range of green spaces with dedicated areas for play, including the potential for a formal sports pitch. The masterplan also provides natural areas of open space to protect and provide new habitats, incorporating new tree and hedgerow planting and Sustainable Drainage Systems to manage water.
An outline planning application has now been submitted to Dorset Council.