
Corsham Town Council has agreed to undertake a public realm project for the Town involving three stages: A Study, A Strategy and Implementation. The Town Council has commissioned NEW masterplanning and Urban Engineering Studio to commence with the initial Stage 1 Study. The study establishes the current condition and character of the Town as well as the opinions and wishes of residents, businesses and visitors.
Based on the detailed work and public input received in Stage 1 NEW went on to produce a detailed public realm strategy for the town centre . The strategy focused on improving access and arrival at both edge of town gateways and into the centre, improving connections between key destinations to encourage people to stay longer and explore more of Corsham’s assets and enhancing key streets and spaces to provide an appropriate setting for the historic surroundings and were inviting.
Along with the overall strategy NEW developed detailed improvement schemes for a number of key streets and spaces within the town and costings for delivery.