Locking Parklands landscape strategy

The green infrastructure strategy for Locking Parklands is defined by a pattern of green spaces connected by tree lined streets and ecological corridors. The key elements of the strategy are:
Central Park: defined by a cluster of trees in the centre of the site, the location of the Leisure Dome and the alignment of the main spine road. It is the most formal and urban of the green spaces, including formal footpaths, flower beds, play facilities, lawns, benches, lighting, and could incorporate a café and water feature.
The Arboretum: characterised by a large and varied collection of trees, including military memorial plantings. The space will have a parkland feel, although less formal than Central Park with a network of informal footpaths between the trees. The grass is kept long in the summer and in spring groups of bulbs flower under the bare trees.
Activity Park: an open space providing the opportunity for informal sports use and play. A shared surface games area for basketball or 5-aside football sites within a level grassed area supporting further recreation activity.
Gateway Green: a welcoming open green at the new access at the A371 with seasonal flower planting bringing colour and vibrancy to this gateway space. The area will be the show piece ‘front garden’ to the new employment buildings.
Village Green: defined by a run of TPO trees to the east. The green continues the parkland feel from the entrance green and provides views towards the activity at the High Street. The space will support events and activities such as fetes and markets.
Local Green: community open spaces capable of supporting allotments and smaller play areas. The spaces provide recognisable references for the development and provide attractive focal points for the community.
The Square: an urban, paved space, at the heart of the development providing spill out space and seating for the surrounding cafes, restaurants and community facilities.
School Green: formal sports area and playing field associated with the new school.
Rhyne Corridor: ecological ‘dark’ corridor including thick native hedgerow planting and long grassed banks along the rhynes and informal path network.
The Avenues: the main streets through the development will be defined by continuous lines of large trees along the carriageway edge. These green routes will tie the different open spaces together and reinforce the parkland feel through the development.