Ferndown Town Centre Strategy

NEW Masterplanning were jointly appointed by East Dorset District Council and Ferndown Town Council to prepare a deliverable series of projects and a comprehensive Town Centre Strategy for Ferndown.
A key aim of the study is to work with the local community and businesses to develop a framework plan for the town centre, identifying opportunities and priorities for change and enhancement. The strategy was prepared over a 3 month period, running between September and December 2016, incorporating an extensive programme of community and stakeholder engagement.
The strategy proposals demonstrated how public sector land could be used to create a viable scheme for new shops, restaurants and enhanced Council services in the town centre, meeting demand from national retailers and delivering one of the key aims of the Ferndown Town Plan. It provided short term measures to assist businesses, improve the public realm and create a more integrated town centre. Public support was expressed through the consultation exercises with over 96% of respondents expressing support for the overall strategy.
The work successfully assisted Dorset County Council in their successful One Public Estate funding bid. We are now currently commissioned by the District Council to prepare a detailed feasibility study of the central mixed use redevelopment opportunity in Penny’s Walk.