Filwood Park, Bristol

NEW Masterplanning was appointed in August 2011 by the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) to work with the Knowle West community to prepare a masterplan for a redundant employment area and local green space. This followed earlier work with local residents groups to agree design principles for redevelopment and enhancement of the park.
The site includes brownfield land, but also a green space which had been subject to a recent ‘Town and Village Green’ application by the local community. There was however a clear need for change with a history of antisocial behaviour in the park and a requirement for higher quality jobs and new housing.
A key part of our role has been to work with residents to reach a consensus on an appropriate level of development within the green space and a new design for the remaining parkland area. The masterplan was developed through an ‘Enquiry by Design’ (EbD) event and provides new housing, major new employment space in the form of a ‘Green Business Park’ and a significantly enhanced park and play facilities.
The masterplan formed the basis of an outline planning application which was approved in April 2012. A detailed application for the ‘Green Business Park’ has also now been granted permission, helping secure over £10M of European Funding to enable delivery. Advanced infrastructure works are currently being implemented.