
NEW Masterplanning produced a regeneration strategy, masterplan, movement strategy and detailed public realm strategy for the town centre. It tackled sensitive issues of parking, traffic movement and the improvement of high profile public spaces and shopping areas. It provided detailed improvement schemes in the context of a comprehensive town centre strategy, and advised on how the distinctive historic environment could enhance the competitive position of Stroud as a retail and leisure destination. The strategy also advised on delivery and implementation with a timetable and action plan for priority projects.
As a team we worked closely with Hamilton-Baillie Associates to integrate movement, urban design and landscape architecture into the strategy recommendations and the design guidance for streets and spaces. The process brought together a range of public sector bodies and agencies, and local businesses, through the Concordat. Our vision and strategy created a consensus between the Concordat and the local community on the priorities for improvement in the town centre.
We led workshops with local businesses and residents, and a formal public consultation exercise was undertaken by the Council at the end of 2008. The document was adopted by the Concordat partners.