Innovia factory, Bridgwater

NEW Masterplanning was commissioned by Innovia Films Ltd to prepare a comprehensive regeneration strategy for their redundant factory site on the edge of Bridgwater. The site includes a mix of brownfield and greenfield land and is a critical part of Sedgemoor District Council’s long term housing and employment growth strategy.
The masterplan creates a network of green infrastructure with playing fields, informal open space and ponds. Good walking and cycling links are created to the town centre, to Bridgwater College and to adjacent employment sites. A strong edge is created to the M5 to improve perceptions of the town and the sense of arrival into Bridgwater.
Representations were made to Sedgemoor Council to secure an allocation of the site for mixed use within the Core Strategy. Working with adjacent landowners a comprehensive application was submitted which will deliver around 2,000 new homes, 3,000 new jobs, a local centre, primary school, sports facilities and community centre. Planning permission has been granted and construction of infrastructure, employment and housing is now underway in the northern part of the site.