Truro & Threemilestone Area Action Plan

A strategic framework was produced for the Truro & Threemilestone Area Action Plan, supported by detailed masterplans and design codes for individual sites. The sites included strategic waterfront sites, employment sites and Council owned land in the heart of the Conservation Area, as well as sensitive urban extensions.
Our masterplan delivers more than 5,000 new dwellings, in sustainable communities with good access to high quality jobs, shops, schools, green infrastructure, leisure and community facilities.
Monthly workshops and design sessions were held with officers from Carrick and the County Council, together with stakeholders including SWRDA, Creating Excellence (Design South West), Environment Agency, Natural England, South West Water, and major local employers. Regular workshops were also held with local residents and community groups which helped establish a consensus on the preferred directions and form of growth.
A formal consultation exercise on the AAP was undertaken by Council officers at the end of 2008, and the formal proposals map was prepared by NEW Masterplanning.